堀仔頭小森林 Coo La Tao Little Forest
Texture: yarn
Year: 2017
美術總監 Art Director:葉皓宇 Yeh Hao-Yu
美術概念 & 背景設計 Concept Art & Background Design:葉皓宇 Yeh Hao-Yu
腳本 Script:葉皓宇 Yeh Hao You / 林青恩 Holly James
動畫導演 Animation Director:林青恩 Holly James
動畫製作 Animator & Compositor:林青恩 Holly James
動畫素材製作(以纏花工藝製作) Animation Material Production(With Wrapping Flower):葉皓宇 Yeh Hao-Yu
聲音錄製 Sound Recording:鄭敦哲 Cheng Tue-Che
背景歌聲 Background Sound Vocal:陳合順 Chen He-Soon
音效編輯 Sound Edit:莊孟翰 Chuang Meng-Han
特別感謝 Special Thanks To:反西港外環道不當開闢自救會 Xigang Go Green / 堀仔頭藝術生態村 Coo La Tao Eco-Village /
台南老爺行旅 The Place Tainan / 國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心 National Taiwan Craft Research And Development Institute
此作品與英籍動畫師林青恩共同合作 It's a work cooperates with British Animator Holly James.
The animation work “Coo La Tao Little Forest” shows the story of “Coo La Tao Artist Nature Village.” Takes green area conservation and historic monument maintenance as the starting point, they strive to protect important trees in Coo La Tao, including the one which is known as the biggest white wax apple tree in Tainan, also, they try to preserve Xingang flag station, which is important in sugar industry of Taiwan. We want to present the old beautiful scenes, idea green heaven, and what obstacle we encounter now in a implied way, reminding people that we should treasure and preserve the green land we have now.

「堀仔頭藝術生態村」,由一群選擇用低消費、低汙染的方式生活的人所組成,在台南西港的“堀仔頭小森林”自然農場共同生活,朝著自給自足的永續目標前進。促成堀仔頭藝術生態村的起因,是近日即將動工的西港外環道開闢計畫,此開路工程預估會移植走百棵老樹,並撤除百年歷史的糖鐵和旗站,且將沿 路農地變成建地。生態村期望保存在地重要樹種,所以目前尚與市政府協調設計變更,以維護在地生態,也因此吸引來自世界各地的藝術家前來駐村創作,並為在地發聲。
“Coo La Tao Artist Nature Village” consists a group of people who pursue a low cost and less pollution way of life, living together in a natural farm called “Coo La Tao Little Forest” in Xigang, Tainan, and they want to head toward a sustainable goal of self-sufficient life. Because of the road broaden plan of Xigang, which will move away hundreds of old trees, old sugar railway, and flag station, the farms there will turn into a construction site. They want to preserve local important tree species, and negotiate with city government for adjusting design now in order to protect the nature there. This also draws a lot of artists from all over the world coming here to join art residency, and voice for the native.

「存放:纏花工 藝跨領域創作」展目標以台灣傳統「纏花工藝」與動畫設計師做跨領域合作,透過台南西港地區「堀仔頭藝術生態村」為主題製作在地的故事動畫。以「纏花工藝」方式去呈現故事中的物件與場景,並與英籍動畫設計師Holly James合作,以創新現代的方式製作的動畫短片。
“Preserve & Play: Interdisciplinary Creation of Wrapping Flower” is an exhibition aims to do cooperation between Taiwan traditional craft “Wrapping Flower” and animation through the local story of “Coo La Tao Artist Nature Village” in Xigang, Tainan. We create all the objects and background scenes by “Wrapping Flower”,”and make a new short animation with British animator Holly James.